Contra Body Movement

Contra Body Movement

Enhance your ballroom dancing with Contra Body Movement! 🌟

CBM is the twist of your torso bringing the opposite side of the body toward the moving foot on forward and backward steps. Contra Body Movement is a natural body movement used while walking. In ballroom dancing, use CBM to initiate turn, aid progression, and to add style to your dancing.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Left Foot Forward:  When stepping forward with your left foot, twist your torso left.
  • Right Foot Forward:  When stepping forward with your right foot, twist your torso right.
  • Left Foot Backward:  When stepping backward with your left foot, twist your torso bringing your right shoulder back.
  • Right Foot Forward:  When stepping backward with your right foot, twist your torso bringing your left shoulder back.

Incorporate CBM to make your turns more fluid and your dancing more expressive. Happy dancing! 💃🕺

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